Senin, 11 Juli 2016

The Basics of Branding

Learn what this critical business term means and what you can do to establish one for your company. 

Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business, large or small, retail or B2B. An effective brand strategy gives you a major edge in increasingly competitive markets. But what exactly does "branding" mean? How does it affect a small business like yours?

Simply put, your brand is your promise to your customer. It tells them what they can expect from your products and services, and it differentiates your offering from your competitors'. Your brand is derived from who you are, who you want to be and who people perceive you to be.

Are you the innovative maverick in your industry? Or the experienced, reliable one? Is your product the high-cost, high-quality option, or the low-cost, high-value option? You can't be both, and you can't be all things to all people. Who you are should be based to some extent on who your target customers want and need you to be.

The foundation of your brand is your logo. Your website, packaging and promotional materials--all of which should integrate your logo--communicate your brand.

Brand Strategy & Equity

Your brand strategy is how, what, where, when and to whom you plan on communicating and delivering on your brand messages. Where you advertise is part of your brand strategy. Your distribution channels are also part of your brand strategy. And what you communicate visually and verbally are part of your brand strategy, too.

Consistent, strategic branding leads to a strong brand equity, which means the added value brought to your company's products or services that allows you to charge more for your brand than what identical, unbranded products command. The most obvious example of this is Coke vs. a generic soda. Because Coca-Cola has built a powerful brand equity, it can charge more for its product--and customers will pay that higher price.

The added value intrinsic to brand equity frequently comes in the form of perceived quality or emotional attachment. For example, Nike associates its products with star athletes, hoping customers will transfer their emotional attachment from the athlete to the product. For Nike, it's not just the shoe's features that sell the shoe.

Defining Your Brand

Defining your brand is like a journey of business self-discovery. It can be difficult, time-consuming and uncomfortable. It requires, at the very least, that you answer the questions below:
  • What is your company's mission?
  • What are the benefits and features of your products or services?
  • What do your customers and prospects already think of your company?
  • What qualities do you want them to associate with your company?
Do your research. Learn the needs, habits and desires of your current and prospective customers. And don't rely on what you think they think. Know what they think.

Because defining your brand and developing a brand strategy can be complex, consider leveraging the expertise of a nonprofit small-business advisory group or a Small Business Development Center .

Once you've defined your brand, how do you get the word out? Here are a few simple, time-tested tips:
  • Get a great logo. Place it everywhere.
  • Write down your brand messaging. What are the key messages you want to communicate about your brand? Every employee should be aware of your brand attributes.
  • Integrate your brand. Branding extends to every aspect of your business--how you answer your phones, what you or your salespeople wear on sales calls, your e-mail signature, everything.
  • Create a "voice" for your company that reflects your brand. This voice should be applied to all written communication and incorporated in the visual imagery of all materials, online and off. Is your brand friendly? Be conversational. Is it ritzy? Be more formal. You get the gist.
  • Develop a tagline. Write a memorable, meaningful and concise statement that captures the essence of your brand.
  • Design templates and create brand standards for your marketing materials. Use the same color scheme, logo placement, look and feel throughout. You don't need to be fancy, just consistent.
  • Be true to your brand. Customers won't return to you--or refer you to someone else--if you don't deliver on your brand promise.
  • Be consistent. I placed this point last only because it involves all of the above and is the most important tip I can give you. If you can't do this, your attempts at establishing a brand will fail.
John Williams is the founder and president of, the world's first do-it-yourself logo design website. During John's 25 years in advertising, he's created brand standards for Fortune 100 companies like Mitsubishi and won numerous awards for his design work.


Kamis, 19 Mei 2016

Branding lapangan olahraga efektif sebagai media Advertising & Public Relations

Mengapa begitu banyak perusahaan melakukan Branding di lapangan olahraga?
Branding lapangan olahraga terbukti efektif sebagai media Advertising & Public Relations.

Dengan menggunakan permukaan lapangan olahraga terbuka (outdoor) sebagai media iklan, pengaplikasian logo pada areal lapangan olahraga telah menjadi trend baru dalam marketing communication untuk mempromosikan sebuah brand, sekaligus memberikan dampak positif yang langsung dirasakan manfaatnya oleh masyarakat.

Branding pada lapangan olahraga dapat dilakukan pada lingkungan Sekolah dan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) yang tersebar di berbagai wilayah.

Lapangan olahraga pada areal sekolah merupakan media yang sangat strategis untuk mempromosikan produk dan jasa yang ditujukan untuk segmen pasar anak muda, terutama di kalangan pelajar dan mahasiswa.

Sedangkan pada areal Ruang Terbuka Hijau, lapangan olahraga digunakan oleh berbagai kalangan masyarakat untuk berinteraksi sehingga jangkauan pemasaran dapat mencakup semua segmen.

PT.Texmura menyediakan jasa spesialis branding lapangan olahraga dengan logo yang diaplikasikan pada permukaan lapangan olahraga, dengan pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun dalam sportcourt resurfacingMenggunakan teknologi pelapisan SigmaTurf®Acrylic Surfacing System, memberikan permukaan lapangan resistensi yang kuat terhadap sinar ultraviolet dan air hujan. Dengan material spesifikasi khusus outdoor dan sistem pelapisan lapangan yang bermutu, cat dan logo pada  permukaan lapangan tidak akan cepat pudar dan bertahan lama hingga 5 tahun.

Coca-cola branding project

Hubungi kami untuk mewujudkan Program Branding produk dan jasa Anda yang berkualitas dan tahan lama.

Selasa, 21 April 2015

PT Texmura - Kontraktor Branding Lapangan

Mengapa begitu banyak perusahaan melakukan Branding di lapangan olahraga?

Branding Lapangan Olahraga Menjadi Program Pemasaran yang Efektif untuk Produk dan Jasa Anda !!
PT TEXMURA merupakan kontraktor branding lapangan olahraga yang siap membantu Program pemasaran Anda, kami menyediakan jasa spesialis branding lapangan olahraga dengan logo yang diaplikasikan pada permukaan lapangan olahraga, dengan pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun dalam sportcourt surfacing technology  di seluruh Indonesia kami adalah partner yang tepat untuk perusahaan Anda dalam melakukan Branding di Lapangan Olahraga.

Dengan menggunakan permukaan lapangan olahraga terbuka (outdoor) sebagai media iklan, pengaplikasian logo pada areal lapangan olahraga telah menjadi trend baru dalam marketing communication untuk mempromosikan sebuah brand. Branding lapangan dapat menjadi bagian dari campaign nasional produk dan jasa perusahaan Anda.

Pengaplikasian branding pada lapangan olahraga menggunakan teknologi pelapisan SigmaTurf®Acrylic Surfacing System, yang memberikan resistensi kuat terhadap sinar ultraviolet dan air hujan pada permukaan lapangan olahraga Anda. Dengan material spesifikasi khusus outdoor dan sistem pelapisan lapangan yang bermutu, cat dan logo pada  permukaan lapangan tidak akan cepat pudar dan bertahan lama hingga 5 tahun.

Branding pada lapangan olahraga dapat dilakukan pada lingkungan Sekolah dan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) yang tersebar di berbagai wilayah.

Lapangan olahraga pada areal sekolah merupakan media yang sangat strategis untuk mempromosikan produk dan jasa yang ditujukan untuk segmen pasar anak muda, terutama di kalangan pelajar dan mahasiswa.

Sedangkan pada areal Ruang Terbuka Hijau, lapangan olahraga digunakan oleh berbagai kalangan masyarakat untuk berinteraksi sehingga jangkauan pemasaran dapat mencakup semua segmen.

Hubungi kami untuk mewujudkan Program Branding produk dan jasa Anda yang berkualitas dan tahan lama.